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The "20 cents" Electricity Price Strategy Of SPI 2019-09-27
2019 marks the fifth anniversary of the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation". "Promoting Two Transformations With Green Electricity At The Core" has become a major symbol of the new modern energy system. For a long time, China's energy consumption structure and energy resources have been deepening the phenomenon of external dependence, to China's energy security brought hidden dangers, is China's energy field is facing a major challenge. To realize leapfrog development, we must accelerate the construction of a new modern energy system in China.

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Household Photovoltaic Must Have Subsidies To In 2019-09-27
After the release of subsidy quota policy for household photovoltaic projects in 2020, fierce discussions have been triggered among household photovoltaic practitioners. Li Chao (pseudonym), the market leader of a distributed development enterprise in guangdong, raised a question: must household pv be subsidized to install.

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Only 142.9MW Of Photovoltaic Subsidies Indicator 2019-09-27
On September 16, the National Energy Administration released information on household photovoltaic projects (September 2019). According to statistics, the total installed capacity of household photovoltaic projects newly included in the national financial subsidies in August was 662,800 kW. By the end of August 2019, the total installed capacity of domestic photovoltaic projects covered by state subsidies in 2019 was 3.3571 million kW.

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